Sunday, May 10, 2009


A week long induction to orient Preethi, Anjali, Mousumi was organised at Chennai
Suchitra managed it quite well - equipments in place( camera, tape recorders, icards, batteries), reading materials in place, schedule was followed quite well and it was a very hectic week for all of us.
Dave got his day long slot to explain 4 worlds lens to view life. He was dazzling as usual ( though suchitra was worried how he would handle it without preparation/ reading material- she had initially slotted 2 hours for the session) . We ended the day with Gladiator watching ( Hate to admit it- I dont hate the movie any longer!)

We had training by Dr Arvind on how to use the camera / tape recorders and on the last day Deepti gave us tips on good shots and poorly composed shots

I had my share of theory lessons- anthropology to psychology to explain Innerworlds concept of
Indian identity and a deep dive into how and why of our methodology

And then it was interviews, interviews and more interviews. We didnot spare anyone-Jay of DSF to Ajay of It team were interviewed. ll of us volunteered to be interviewed.

The initial focus was on body language - it was fun watching our trained interviwers tricks of trade to build rapport- crossing and uncrossing legs , flicking hair back - Thansk to Dave again, all of us in the room together could manipulate context to create rapport.

Then came content - why the questions and how to frame these questions - We divided them into 3 chunks- individual related, significant others and context.

Then came trip to Kovalam to practise shooting of the camera kind. We have a zillion photos of
Kovalam, catamarans, prawns, crabs, fishes of all kinds and what not

We spent time planning their trips based on Poverty index and " do you somebody who would help us" method
After a miserable last two days trying to figure out if the interns are elgible for local trvale, cash advance and other details , we strate dour journeys to differnt parts of India.

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