Sunday, May 10, 2009

Good observation

Good observation- interviews attract a lot of curiosity and everybody wants to pitch in -
Rarely will you find a person alone to be interviewed- replies are compound replies with views of everybody around- that is fine - BUT PLS make a note of it in your transcript- mention who said what and who were the people present when the interview was taken - if contradictory voices were heard, mention that as well . When Mousumi was interviweing , the respondent's daughter answered many questions and her husband some more - that is perfectly ok -
the lady's views were shaped by people around her and boundaries between MY view and MY family's views is nearly not there in most cases - exceptions do exist and these are solid men and women , who know their mind and speak up

1 comment:

  1. Also,
    I observed that it’s better to use the 'pause' button in the recorder
    than the stop one. Pausing involves jus sliding it, it hardly gets
    noticed. But stopping will make a sound that might be distracting.

